What an amazing experience at #Sundance this past weekend! The entire festival was absolutely immeasurable. Getting to connect with so many industry peers made us feel a sense of empowerment like never before. During the pandemic, The #FWIN Team didn’t get a chance to attend many of the festivals our documentary, FREE TO BE, was in, but #sundance2023 made up for those 2 years of solitude. Fortunately, we did get a chance to see a few films in between the panels and events. Some of our favorites places and events are listed as follows: MACRO Lodge, The Blackhouse Foundation, Montana Experience, Canon Store, Chase Sapphire, Audible, AMC, White Shore Club, Canada Goose, and Acura. A huge thank you to everyone who made this trip possible. You’ll be hearing from us soon. Cheers!
Here are a few images from our very first Sundance.