Brandon Claybon | actor + creative + host

Brandon Claybon

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my journey : the road traveled 2010 – 2014


After being on hiatus for more than a year, I wanted to share with you the reason for creating this site back in 2010, and why I needed some time away before I relaunched it.

Well it all started back when I was in college and I had dreams of moving to Los Angeles to begin my entertainment career.  Honestly, even then I knew my journey had to be documented, and it had to be shared with other people like me living with dreams that seem impossible at times.  In particular, I didn’t want to use Facebook or any other social media website to archive my future expedition.  I needed my own voice, my own brand and having my own website seemed logical at the time.  In any case,  I hit the ground running and put together a team of a few associates at the University of Tennessee who were good with graphic design and html.  By the way, I didn’t have much money at all during this time, so I’m very thankful for the time and energy those guys put into making my vision a reality.  In essence,  they definitely didn’t get paid what they were worth but they were still excited to help.

After months of work, emails, and edits the site launched on my birthday October 10th, 2010.  To my surprise,  I had followers come to the site from all over the world. (Shout out to Google Analytics for that info.)  I had messages coming in from old friends and acquaintances telling me how proud they were of me, and how they looked forwarded to hearing more about my new journey in LA. Particularly, I used the blog for giving insight on jobs that I had booked, acknowledging people that I worked with on set, telling inspiring stories, or just stating random tips and life experiences.  The site gave me the voice that I wanted,  and allowed me to come in contact with some amazing people.  Two years had passed,  and I was still blogging, updating, and editing the site entirely by myself.  In the long run, that “one man show” became draining at times and especially when I began to live life a little more.

And when I say “live life,”  I mean that I started to discover unknown territories with friendships, other religions, eating habits, and etc.  Frankly, I was growing and experiencing things for the first time in my life.  I had met some awesome people during this time, and I lost some of those people that I trusted a great deal.  I understand now that I needed to meet them all to be as strong as I am today.  When you experience things like love, hate, betrayal, praise, and criticism their side effects can change you drastically if you let them.  For me, I started to question my dreams and letting the actions of others effect my progress.  In short,  I lost the drive to blog and take care of the site on a weekly basis.  I no longer wanted to inspire others when I knew the smile on my face was no longer a sincere gesture but it was a defense mechanism to hide some of life’s “up and downs” that I was going through.  People started to ask about the site and wondering when I was going to relaunch it, but I quickly brushed them off and said, “soon.”  Even then I knew I was lying, I just needed time away or should I say time to heal some wounds.  And that’s exactly what I did!

During that year off, I had healed mentally and physically.  I had the opportunity to work on some great projects and continue my career.  Basically, I had the time to work on self which is still a continuous activity.  After only a year, I was rejuvenated.  I felt like my old self again, and I was excited to get back to my initial goal for the site.  My voice had been silenced long enough.  All in all, I’m in a good place, and if I’m healthy the site will be as well.  So to all the old followers…WELCOME BACK!  And to all the new followers:  Hopefully my journey inspires you to establish your own path to success.




1 comment
  • Jeffrey | July 16, 2017

    Thanks for this man. I needed to know that I won’t be the only one who may experience moments where I won’t be able to contribute to blogging like I want to because life takes over. I pray for your success and happiness in the future man!

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