Brandon Claybon | actor + creative + host

Brandon Claybon

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Cologne: Everything in Moderation

Everyone likes smelling good, right? I know that I do, but my biggest pet peeve with cologne/perfume is that some people tend to put on waaaaayyy too much. There is absolutely no need to bath in your fragrance. Your scent is supposed to be something that is very intimate between you and a close encounter. I have a few favorite scents, but there is one that tops them all. Actually, I don’t tell anyone about that ‘one’ in particular. So let’s move on. LOL

Recently, I did some research on the cologne/perfume wearing etiquette, and I found some great points on perfume.org. Check them out.

1. Wait before you reapply. You get used to your scent long before other people do. Just because you can’t smell it anymore doesn’t mean others can’t. Don’t be too ambitious when it comes to reapplying. And when you do, make sure you do so in private. Not at your desk, where the odor is sure to overtake the cubicle next to yours as well.

2. Location, location, location. Knowing the appropriate areas to apply your fragrance is key. Spraying it on your clothes will have a different effect than spraying it on your skin. Your body chemistry has a way of changing the scent to suit you specifically, so it will smell differently on your skin versus your clothes. Apply a light amount to your pressure points (inside wrists, behind the ears and knees) and spray a light amount on your neck.

3. Use fragances that coincide with the season and time of day. Heavier fragrances are best for a night on the town, while light scents are ideal for the work day. Certain scents are created to complement the season. Muskier scents are best for winter while citrusy florals are a sure recipe for summer.

4. Here’s a hint. Keep in mind that you just want others to get a hint of your perfume; they don’t want to be blown away by it. Fragrance is intimate, so apply it with care.

5. Deodorant it is not. Don’t swap cologne for deodorant. Your fragrance might mask your body odor for a bit, but not for long.